INCOGNITO at the Safer Internet Day 2020, Cyprus
On February 11th, Cyprus celebrated the Safer Internet Day (SID) 2020 with a major event in Nicosia, which was dedicated to encouraging everyone, from children, young people, parents and teachers, to industry, decision-makers and politicians in Cyprus, to play their part in creating a better Internet. In line with the SID slogan of “Together for a Better Internet”, the aim of this year’s conference was to raise awareness of the Internet’s potential risks to students between 11-16 years old, from all schools in Cyprus.
As the main keynote speaker of the event, Project Coordinator Prof. Christos Xenakis, with his talk on “Internet of Things: Challenges & Risks” tried to inspire a safer and more efficient use of the Internet by informing hundreds of young students and their teachers about the threats that currently all digital infrastructures face. In several follow-up discussions, Prof. Xenakis had the opportunity to talk about INCOGNITO as a solution which aims to provide a scalable, highly trusted and interoperable security platform.
The event, organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth in Cyprus, received a lot of publicity as it was broadcasted from all Cypriot TV channels.
Safer Internet Day (SID) is a European initiative organised by the joint Insafe-INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, with funding provided by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF).